Size difference between my BE Priest & my Tauren DK while on the new JC mounts. They went around together & did the Pilgrim’s Holiday event in WoW.
Tag: Mists of Pandaria
Sunsong Ranch
So while I do my farming of crops on Sunsong, I sometimes see this happening.
I’m usually not attacking when this happens, so I’m not even sure what would happen if I would be attacking a mob & this other persons AOE goes off.
My 90 Frost Mage Mayjeannette sees a Paladins Consecration on the ground & my 90 Disc Priest Elume sees a Druids Mushrooms AOE spell go off on the farm.
I don’t have that Overgrown Lilypad item that the Rare Spawn Jinyu Sele’na drops to have a Druid ability, so that’s not it at all.
I’ve already had Stormi my Resto Druid heal Bloodworms while on my farm at Sunsong, so the phasing here is really to me, questionable.
Why does this happen? Anyone know?
Li’l XT Has a Mount
Gnomes On Stairs Appreciation Post
I don’t know how this is supposed to work but OK.
You can fly!
Dustback Warder found its happy thoughts.