Why I almost Quit WoW.

Ok, this happened back in BC times.  I had only been playing for like 3 or 4 months now & was still getting used to the game.

I was in my second guild because our first guild seemed to be gone once school/College started up.  I was basically left out in that guild anyways & that’s another story within itself.

Anyways, I was leveling up my Hunter Anusia on Trollbane & I was in this great guild at that time.  The Guild Leader & Officers seemed like the greatest people in the world (more on that guild story later on).

I was in Goldshire & doing some of the quests around there since Anusia was only in her teens.

I had encountered a Gnome who was dueling everyone around & since I don’t like to duel I kept denying his requests.  He requested this 50 times & I’m not kidding about that.  I ran into the Goldshire Inn & he still kept on requesting to Duel me.  He was annoying other players by now & I told the other players to please report him.  I had this guy on Ignore by now.

I got my Hunter out of Goldshire & went to Westfall since that Gnome wasn’t high enough to go there yet I knew I’d be a bit safer.

Next thing I know is this guy is whispering me on ALL his Alt’s Obscene & rude things.  Stuff about my Mom (Who is Dead & I said back to him “Ok, so your gonna do that to a bunch of Ashes!  Ewww, your gross!”) & then he repeated to Harass me in whispers from all of his Alt’s.  I reported & ignored each & every name they brought on & I was also informing my Guild Leader & the only Officer on at that moment.  Bird was the Guild Leader & Valmortal or Valmortel I forget how he spelled his name were the only guys on besides me & I left them know what all was going on with this guy who wouldn’t stop this.  They both tried to help me out & he started to proceed to do the same to them, so they reported him as well, if I remember correctly.

I then Logged off of my Hunter & emailed Blizzard from my personal email to notify them of the person, each name & what all they had said to me to get me to report them like this & how I felt about this whole situation.  I told them that if nothing was done, I was done with the game itself because I can NOT handle that stress nor should I have to.

This had all happened right after a Patch had gone out because I remember I had read the entire ToS just a few days prior to all this happening so I knew I had good rights to report him to begin with because I actually remembered the part about players harassing other players part & this guy had really gone above & beyond CRAZY for this to happen.  I also didn’t want anyone else to have to deal with this person doing this to them either.

Well, I had gotten an email back from Blizzard stating that the situation will be dealt with & that this will not be taken lightly however they can not say anything more on this matter, which I understood completely.

Bird from Trollbane, you were a good Guild Leader & I want you to know this.  You really didn’t do anything wrong from what all I could see except stand up to Val.  “Avenging Angels” was a Great Guild & I had lots of fun in there & I wouldn’t have some of the friends I have now, like Jadepearl, if it wasn’t for you & AA.  =)


Winterspring Cub Is A Cutie

So yesterday was the “Young Ironjaw” Fishing Quest in Ironforge.  Well the actual name of the quest is called “One Fer the Ages”.  I will talk about what all it details in an upcoming IRBL episode for sure.   My notes are already typed up.

I hadn’t realized that my Winterspring Cub had sat down right there & watched me as I placed “Young Ironjaw” on the wall above the plaque so when I turned my girl around & saw this, I just couldn’t resist but take a few screen shots.  These were the best 2 & the cutest if I may say so.  =)

Watch the head of the Cub & see how the reaction is.  It’s too cute.  =)