GURPS Wars S1 Ep 54: Cooked Reuben

GURPS Wars Logo Beth GMs for Ellie, Crash, and Io.

This episode: The Smuggler Crew free the “ducklings,” and the flash mob happens.

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Cause & Effect Ep 52: Turtle’s Soup

Crash DMs for Beth, Ellie, Io, Jen, & Milly.

The giant shark used turtle shell! It had a dragon in it!

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Mo’s School For Gifted Youth Ep 5: Lunch Bunch (Cypher System)

Mo's School For Gifted Youth Title Card Crash GMs for Beth, Ellie, Io, & Jen as they play super-powered teens in a boarding school.

This episode: The cafeteria staff are all out sick after a work retreat gave them food poisoning. The teens fill in to help with lunch.

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Cause & Effect Ep 51: Adamantine Giant

Crash DMs for Beth, Ellie, Io, Jen, & Milly.

The party has traced the last Black Box to an ancient, giant robot! The repair crew come out to “greet” them.

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Mo’s School For Gifted Youth Ep 4: Quake (Cypher System)

Mo's School For Gifted Youth Title Card Crash GMs for Beth, Ellie, Io, & Jen as they play super-powered teens in a boarding school.

This episode: An earthquake has hit [Local Town]! The super-powereds go about helping to mitigate the damage.

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