Pandaren Archaeology

When you do the Pandaren Archaeology sites in Mists, you will sometimes complete a piece that you need to take to the Lorewalker’s (Headquarters) in Vale of Eternal Blossoms between the Horde & Alliance cities.

It just gives you a little more Lore towards this new place.

Kun-Lai Summit

I do love to go exploring in WoW & I can actually go to places in this new expansion that only some flying can get you to a lot easier.
A lot of the mountains in Kun-Lai Summit are actually able to be climbed. Yeah, this has meant that I have gotten some weird looks or even some /spits on from other toons because I wasn’t level 90, but getting an herb at the top of a very large mountain with steep cliffs.

a the mountain in Kun-Lai where you talk to Lorewalker Cho & you fight off a small mob group, there is a small pathway, very small, that leads up the side of the hill next to you. If you follow that up to the top, you will find this.

There are other statues like this in other zones as well. They are an interesting read into the Lore of the Pandaren.