GURPS Wars S1 Ep 33: Empty Vessels

GURPS Wars Logo Beth GMs for Ellie, Crash, and Io.

This episode: Hosa’Ashi appears to reveal what the Logistics Trio had already guessed, as they recuperate from the last fight.
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GURPS Wars S1 Ep 32: Autodefenestration

GURPS Wars Logo Beth GMs for Ellie, Crash, and Io.

This episode: The Logistics Trio fends off more of the monsters while also attempting to steal a com unit.
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GURPS Wars S1 Ep 31: Night Watch

GURPS Wars Logo Beth GMs for Ellie, Crash, and Io.

This episode: The Logistics Trio banters about watch order until bad things inevitably begin to happen.
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GURPS Wars S1 Ep 30: The Whole Time

GURPS Wars Logo Beth GMs for Ellie, Crash, and Io.

This episode: The Logistics Trio arrives back at “Fort” Rufu. Now where’s that com unit?
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GURPS Wars S1 Ep 29: Bird’s Words

GURPS Wars Logo Beth GMs for Ellie, Crash, and Io.

This episode: The Logistics Trio head back to the cabin and attempt to befriend an evil bird.
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