GURPS Wars S1 Ep 42: Loth-cat Chiss Agent

GURPS Wars Logo Beth GMs for Ellie, Crash, and Io.

This episode: The Logistics Trio rides a train and collects more stuffed toys on their way to find the thieves.

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GURPS Wars S1 Ep 40: Post-Sabotage Sabotage

GURPS Wars Logo Beth GMs for Ellie, Crash, and Io.

This episode: The Logistics Trio wraps up this arc, ensuring that they, at least, are happy with the results.

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GURPS Wars S1 Ep 39: Basement Inspection

GURPS Wars Logo Beth GMs for Ellie, Crash, and Io.

This episode: The Logistics Trio humors Vivi’s accusations and investigates the levels below the Hutt’s palace.

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GURPS Wars S1 Ep 38: Hutt Tech Support

GURPS Wars Logo Beth GMs for Ellie, Crash, and Io.

This episode: This mission began with a journey to the Hutt’s palace. Finally, the Logistics Trio actually gets there.

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