Plus Ultra Ep 18: Spin in the Slipstream

Plus Ultra Album ArtEllie GMs for Beth, Crash, Io, & Jen.

The party investigates how their intervention altered the wizard’s tower, and makes plans to see what was altered further.

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Mo’s School For Gifted Youth Ep 0: Kids’ Night Out (Cypher System)

Crash GMs for Beth, Ellie, Io, & Jen as they play super-powered teens in a boarding school who sneak out on a Friday night to have a good time.

This was meant to be a one-shot, but we liked the characters too much to leave it that way.

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Plus Ultra Ep 17: I Will Draw The Chart

Plus Ultra Album ArtEllie GMs for Beth, Crash, Io, & Jen.

The clicky thing went ding! Let’s go change the past in small ways. No, small ways! Small!

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Plus Ultra Ep 16: I Am A Someone

Plus Ultra Album ArtEllie GMs for Beth, Crash, Io, & Jen.

The party heads out to find Adelina’s friend’s parents, who went off looking for adventure, then found it.

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One-Shot: Ellie’s Christmas Special, Part 2 (Cypher System Shorts)

Ellie GMs for Beth, Crash, Io, & Jen as they use Cypher System rules to play a Cypher Shorts Christmas Special set in the universe of the Plus Ultra campaign.

The Cypher System Shorts rules can be “purchased” for free here. (You’ll still need the core rule book.)

Continue reading “One-Shot: Ellie’s Christmas Special, Part 2 (Cypher System Shorts)”