GURPS Wars S1 Ep 45: Lothcat Backpack

GURPS Wars Logo Beth GMs for Ellie, Crash, and Io.

This episode: The Logistics Trio uses mind tricks, invisibility, fake telekinesis, and real telekinesis (but no acting skills) to retrieve the stolen goods.

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One-Shot: Ellie’s Christmas Special, Part 2 (Cypher System Shorts)

Ellie GMs for Beth, Crash, Io, & Jen as they use Cypher System rules to play a Cypher Shorts Christmas Special set in the universe of the Plus Ultra campaign.

The Cypher System Shorts rules can be “purchased” for free here. (You’ll still need the core rule book.)

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One-Shot: Ellie’s Christmas Special, Part 1 (Cypher System Shorts)

Ellie GMs for Beth, Crash, Io, & Jen as they use Cypher System rules to play a Cypher Shorts Christmas Special set in the universe of the Plus Ultra campaign.

The Cypher System Shorts rules can be “purchased” for free here. (You’ll still need the core rule book.)

Continue reading “One-Shot: Ellie’s Christmas Special, Part 1 (Cypher System Shorts)”