Green Meteors

Ok, so this is a picture I took of when you talk to Wrathion about starting the Legendary quest line.
This was my third time doing this & I paid a bit more attention to the details.

Those green meteors remind me of the ones the Legion uses & that do fall down on Honor Hold.

Chris Metzen even said that Alleria & Turalyon would be needing our help in the future when a player asked him a question about them during the Pre-MoP launch party in CA.

Last known where about of those two that I know of is the Twisting Nether.

WoW’s Friends on the Farm Food Rep Items.

When you give food to the people in the Heartland in the Valley of the Four Winds, they give you a Lesser coin of good fortune as well as x5 Valor points. The Dark soil rep items only give you rep with them, so if you are trying to maximize your Valor, you might wanna go with giving these people food everyday.

NOTE Once you get to be Best Friends (exalted) with each person, you can NOT hand them any more Food or Darksoil Rep Items!

These people are sometimes in the Halfhill Market as a daily quest giver, so check the Market first before you go flying out to where the co-ordinates say they should be.

NOTE – I have the order of the people like this so you can start at HalfHill Market & then basically flying in a U shape to all of these people. You start off from the Market & fly slightly towards the Stormstoudt Brewery to where Ella is close to & end along side of Cattail Lake where Farmer Fung is. It seemed to me to be the best way for me to fly to each of them when I first started. Once you start to get to be Best Friends with them, you will probably change up how you fly to each location.

All of these dishes are x5 of each.

A Dish for Gina
Gina Mudclaw – Tillers Quartermaster
(co-ords 53, 51 (Halfhill Market)) wants “Swirling Mist Soup” (skill 525)
(Takes x5 Jade Lungfish to make x5 of this recipe)
Taught by Mei Mei Ironpaw “Master of the Pot”

A Dish for Jogu
Jogu the Drunk
(co-ords 53, 52 (Halfhill Market)) wants “Sauteed Carrots” (skill 525)
(Takes x10 Juicycrunch carrots to make x5 of this recipe)
Taught by Anthea Ironpaw “Master of the Wok”

A Dish for Ella
(co-ords 31, 57) wants “Shrimp Dumplings” (skill 525)
(Takes x5 Giant Mantis Shrimp to make x5 of this recipe)
Taught by Yan Ironpaw “Master of the Steamer”

A Dish for Old Hillpaw
Old Hillpaw
(co-ords 31, 52) wants “Braised Turtle” (skill 550)
(Takes x25 Juicycrunch carrots & x5 Raw Turtle Meat to make x5 of this recipe)
Taught by Mei Mei Ironpaw “Master of the Pot”

A Dish for Chee Chee
Chee Chee
(co-ords 34, 46) wants “Valley Stir Fry” (Skill 550)
(Takes x5 Wildfowl Breast & x5 Reef Octopus to make x5 of this recipe)
Taught by Anthea Ironpaw “Master of the Wok”

A Dish for Sho
(co-ords 29, 30 (Skyrange)) wants “Eternal Blossom Fish” (Skill 550)
(Takes x5 Jade Lungfish & x25 Striped Melon to make x5 of this recipe)
Taught by Kol Ironpaw “Master of the Grill”

A Dish for Fish
Fish Fellreed
(co-ords 41, 30 (Cattail Lake)) wants “Twin Fish Platter” (Skill 550)
(Takes x10 Krasarang Paddlefish to make x5 of this recipe)
Taught by Jian Ironpaw “Master of the Oven”

A Dish for Haohan
Haohan Mudclaw
(co-ords 44, 34) wants “Charbroiled Tiger Steak” (Skill 525)
(Takes x5 Raw Tiger Steak to make x5 of this recipe)
Taught by Kol Ironpaw “Master of the Grill”

A Dish for Tina
Tina Mudclaw
(co-ords 45, 33) wants “Firespirit Salmon” (skill 550)
(Takes x5 Emperor Salmon & x25 Scallions to make x5 of this recipe)
Taught by Yan Ironpaw “Master of the Steamer”

A Dish for Farmer Fung
Farmer Fung
(co-ords 48, 33) wants “Wild Fowl Roast” (Skill 525)
(takes x5 Wildfowl Breast to make x5 of this recipe)
Taught by Jian Ironpaw “Master of the Oven”

So, for farming you will want to plant for these foods:

x7 Juicycrunch carrots seeds
x5 Striped Melons seeds
x5 Scallions seeds

Total shopping list of items for 1 days worth of Rep food is:

Jade Lungfish – 10
Giant Mantis Shrimp – 5
Emperor Salmon – 5
Krasarang Paddlefish – 10
Reef Octopus – 5

Raw Tiger Steak – 5
Wildfowl Breast – 10
Raw Turtle Meat – 5

Juicycrunch carrot – 35
Striped Melon – 25
Scallions – 25

If you want to make the first Way of the Brew Recipe, Taught by Bobo Ironpaw for Ginseng Tea (Skill 525), you will need to visit “Sungshin Ironpaw” (co-ords 53, 51 Halfhill Market, across from Flight Master) to buy Ginseng for 3g 15s each. If you are not up to the Pandaria Cooking yet, she can also teach you the recipes up to the Pandaria cooking.

For the second Pandaria drinks recipe of “Jade Witch Brew” (Skill 550), you will need to plant:

x5 Jade Squash
x5 Witchberries

Jade Witch Brew” takes x5 Jade Squash & x5 Witchberries to make just 1 drink.

Sources for this list include:
Curse addon “Quest Completist” for the map locations that helped me out to find these from MoP Launch
Link: for the Posters in the comments section from each food item or recipe item like this one:

Many thanks to the people on who post such great & helpful comments like these to help for all of us to get a better grasp on how things such as this work to benefit us better in this game.