Looks like I was wrong. Sludge boilers USE power. They don’t make it.
Tag: Bevo’s Tech Pack
To the moon! | Minecraft Bevo’s Tech Pack I’ve put it off, but now I’m finally dabbling in Galacticraft.
Auto-enrich ALL THE THINGS! | Minecraft Bevo’s Tech Pack Meanwhile, while being blissfully ignorant that I set my sludge boilers up wrong, I decide to process some of the ore that my super mining laser of doom is digging up for me.
Auto-farm! | Minecraft Bevo’s Tech Pack Planters, Harvesters, Breeders, Chronotypers, and Slaughterhouses all add up to unlimited food! (And hopefully enough pink slime for me to make more laser pre-chargers.)
I killed the server! (+Base tour) | Minecraft Bevo’s Tech Pack Apparently you CAN have too many chickens.