I found this little guy & talked with him about 2 or 3 weeks ago.
Interesting little guy.
Creating TTRPG actual play podcasts using DnD5e, GURPS, Cypher System, and more.
I found this little guy & talked with him about 2 or 3 weeks ago.
Interesting little guy.
Lend them a helping hand if you are able to!
This family is a part of our close gaming family that my hubby & myself are a part of. They are our Familia!
We talk over Ventrilo together & we help each other out when & if we are able to with almost anything!
The Murariu’s are like sibblings to us both!
We have been trying to give as much support & comfort as much as we can over Ventrilo & texts between our group of gaming friends/family.
It is hard for them to ask for this help, just like it is hard for both my hubby & myself to ask for help. We try to do things on our own as much as possible & asking for help is such a hard thing to do & is something that we would do as a last resort, even for us.
Kierstin is the only one who can bring an income into this family due to these accidents that she mentions under the info as to why they need to find help. They have been going through some very rough times since those accidents happened. My husband & myself have come close to almost the same things, but they have had to actually deal with all the things that we were lucky enough to avoid.
I got to know Matt first, just a little after the first accident. He wouldn’t say much about what had happened at that time. It wasn’t until a year of not seeing him log in much online that he was saying about not being able to even play WoW (World of Warcraft) because of that second accident happening the year right after the first one. Before those 2 accidents, Matt was the one who was working & providing the funds for his family.
I always tell any kind & understanding person whom I meet online, that I will try my best with what little I have available to me, be it in game for items or help, or just someone to listen to them over Ventrilo/Mumble/ whatever voice chat system we are using at that time.
My friends from school, working, they all know that I do this for them when & if I am able to.
Now this is me asking anyone of you, to help out a family who has been going through some hard times, just like my hubby & myself have come close to endure in the past, for some help. It doesn’t have to be that much either.
I’d say that even if you were to just give just $1, that it would help them out. Anything you can give would be appreciated, thankful, & very grateful to this family for this much needed help.
I don’t share or do these types of fund raisings unless I know the people & know their story. This family means a whole lot to my hubby & myself. Hopefully one day when we can go down to Florida to see my family (my uncle & his family), we can all get together & meet up, to enjoy spending time together with each other & our families!
Thank you for your time & Thank you so very, very, very much if you were able to help them out in any way!
If you know me or if you have any questions about this post, please contact me & I will try my best to answer them.
Thank you!
StormiNights June 2, 2015
A message from a little .:Mouse~ with love & hugs!
Be with someone that requires you to grow, makes you forget your problems, holds your hand, likes to kiss, appreciates art, and adores you.
This is what I meant by me saying “I really shouldn’t name to many things. I’ve gotten very silly with these names.”
I could always use names towards any other companions that can be found in Neverwinter.
Also, if you’d like, let me know what you think of these names. =)
R2CS_Stormaggedon is the one who posted about City of Steam and announced on their website (that the US can see via R2’s gaming), that they will be shutting down the servers.
City of Steam on their FaceBook page has THIS to say:
City of Steam
12 minutes ago. (Posted around 11am EST)
Hello all, today we officially announce that Mechanist Games has taken CoS back. Stay tuned for City of Steam: Arcadia this November! More info coming soon!
On Twitter, they just posted a message as well about the same thing as said on Facebook.
City of Steam @CityofSteam 2h (around 11am EST it was posted)
Hello all, today we officially announce that Mechanist Games has taken CoS back. Stay tuned for City of Steam: Arcadia this November!
On the Google+ page for City of Steam.
City of Steam
Shared publicly – 11:17 AM EST
Hello all, today we officially announce that Mechanist Games has taken CoS back. Stay tuned for City of Steam: Arcadia this November! More info coming soon!
So, I’m guessing that it’s just the US servers that R2 gaming has that are going away and not all of the game?
This sounds like it is a very complicated ordeal that they are dealing with here.
Granted, I had heard from other players within the past few months during open chat that people were saying about other countries already having more content than what the US has and that more people even play on those other CoS servers.
I know that’s just hear-say but it has always had me wondering about that.
It would be nice if a gaming website would get a better report on this than the info that I have been able to gather, even if part of it is from just general open chat while playing the game.
I did a google search for “City of Steam” and found links to other sources including Mechanist’s own website.
Also, this wiki page for City of Steam:
I did try some of the bottom links on the left hand side of the wiki page and this one caught my eye. (Links to Official Game Site & Mechanist Games
So then I checked the CoS Forums that are still on the R2 part & some players put up some very interesting links there as well & some of those links on that forum page are more up to date with news than what we have been able to see in the US.
Exp: http://cos.novaworlds.com/en/
People also posted about what they had learned from that CoS webpage. That page does have an english version of the game. They tried using their log-in that the CoS-R2 uses and couldn’t log in with that, so they had to start over from scratch. There is a question of since the US english version is going away with R2 games as the promoter, will the English version on the Novaworlds site also be going away and they are asking for some clearity, which there has yet to be one as of 12pm EST on 10/22/2013.
There is another page that I have been sort of checking and keeping an eye on.
Some of the links on these pages listed above do send you to the CoS.R2games.com site, so I’d mouse over the link first to see where it says it should take you to and just type it in from there.
I’m still waiting to see what all Mechanist Games has to say about what all will be happening to the version that R2games had control over to see if I need to go to the Novaworlds site or if they will have another promoter for the US who is a better partner than what R2 has been to them.
I’m just glad that Mechanist Games got City of Steam back from Reality Squared Gaming.