Portals you ask??

Think that you are a lost & hopeless cause in Dalaran because you didn’t set your Hearth stone to a Major Alliance or Horde City?

Well have no fear.  There is still a way to get back to at least Kalimdor from Dalaran.  Just hike up the steps of the Violet Citadel, & go up the next flight of steps inside the Violet Citadel to where you see Zidormi standing by the portal to the Cavern’s of Time.  That portal is still there & it still works!  Just make sure for safety reasons that the toon you have go through that Portal is lvl 50+.  I went through with my lvl 40 Hunter.  Her Turtle & herself were able to take down 1 monster, but when more came, she was toast.  I had to make a corpse run to Gadgetzan.  Fun times!

Also, if you have just a bank alt in Dalaran, there is 2 Auction Houses in Dalaran.  One of them is in the same room as the Emblem dealers stand in the Alliance side that ANYONE can use.  His name is Brassbolt Mechawrench. He looks just like Jeeves & he stands right there behind the counter between the Heroism (Arcanist Ivrenne) & Valor (Arcanist Adurin) Emblem vendors. (Sorry, I don’t have a high lvl horde player so I can’t say if Horde has one or not, but I would think that they do.  =)  )

The other one is in the Engineer’s shop & also ANYONE can talk to him, Plus he also has the same name (Brassbolt Mechawrench) as the one in The Silver Covenant.

Also have no fear if you are stuck in Outlands!  There is still a portal there for you as well!!  =)

Go to the Dark Portal in HellFire Peninsula.  For Alliance, from the Portal itself, go down the first flight of steps & head towards the Gryphon Master.  When you get to the Gryphon Master, turn Left & go towards the wall next to the Dark Portal.  You will see 2 Mage’s standing there & you will see Stormwind Infantry coming through that Portal.  Well, you can click on that portal & it will take you directly BACK to Stormwind’s Mage Tower in the Mage’s Quarter.

I’m pretty sure that there is a Horde portal there as well by the Dark Portal on the opposite side, but I’d rather not risk that chance to check it out with my Alliance girls.

Also, it looks like you can still go to the Isle of Quel’Danas, but I need to double check on that, but from there, you can fly in Eastern Kingdom’s down to Ironforge or even Eastern Plaguelands.

These 2 portals have always been there since their own expansions have come out & those 2 portals have saved me lots of time & Gold.

Also, Druids, Death Knights you still have your own fallback’s of places you can teleport yourself to as well, so don’t forget about that.

Just trying to help a few people out with a few idea’s.  I often look for ways to save money in game, so, …..  I try.  If you take this advice, use it.  Something’s might take up more time than most, but you know what?  You might explore something new on your way there.  =)
