Thank you Lou for the name. I did use it as you can see & I really like the white Bear pet, so you will probably see a lot of Cloudi. =) I’m also gonna get her the GhostSaber Cat pet too, so I will need a name for that.
My Hunter Anusia on Trollbane has that Ghostsaber Cat & I named it “Ghostly” so it’s not a good name. I am looking for a different name for this cat when I get it, so suggestions are a good thing atm. I am also gonna get that Saber Stalker in Darkshore, that lvl 13 hidden kitty. She can tame him a little easier now. =) That one WILL be named “Rascals”, just like Anusia’s. Rascals is my RL cat that is still alive, so it;s my way of having a part of her in the game.
Frankly, I don’t use Rascals on Anusia that much. He’s too much of a Rogue Kitty for me. Found that out in a BAD VC run. Rascals went running off with everything turned off, on passive & told to stay & Rascals was Happy, yet still not listening to commands!?!? O.O
Anyways, thoughts, suggestions?