Cat Butt

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is DSC_0083-1024x678.jpg Alt Text: An orange cat sits, facing away from the camera, with his head and neck above the edge of the image. His tail extends straight out behind him on the ground, which is a carpet with a pattern of different sized rectangles.

Alt Text: An orange cat sits, facing away from the camera, with his head and neck above the edge of the image. His tail extends straight out behind him on the ground, which is a carpet with a pattern of different sized rectangles. Not pictured: The same cat not a minute earlier trying desperately to get my attention.
Alt Text: An orange cat sits, facing away from the camera, with his head and neck above the edge of the image. His tail extends straight out behind him on the ground, which is a carpet with a pattern of different sized rectangles. Not pictured: The same cat not a minute earlier trying desperately to get my attention.

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