
You’re awesome!

That’s not a question, but thank you.

Did you ask that last question yourself?

No, absolutely not!  … O.K., maybe.

Could I use [something from this site] for [whatever reason]?

Depends.  All original stuff here is under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License.  In a nutshell, that means so long as you link back to https://aaronbsmith.com/crashbang/ and don’t make money off of what you borrow you can use it any way you want.

If you DO want to make money off of anything here (not that we know how that could work…), contact us first.  We might be able to work something out.

How do we contact you?

Questions for the show can be sent in using this form, although you can also ask via my Twitter account or email me at crashbang [at] aaronbsmith.com.  I suppose you could also email Aaron at theartguy [at] gmail.com, but wouldn’t you rather talk to me?

I have an awesome question for your show!

See above.

What the heck are you?

Well that’s rather rude!  In any case, I am Crashbang Gearcrunch: Illustrious Grand Master Engineer and otherwise awesome citizen of Gnomeregan.  Currently I am also a warrior, though I expect the Argent Crusade to accept my petition for paladinhood any day now.

In my free time I’m an amateur photographer, which is sort of how I got this job in the first place.

Are you a chew toy?

No. No, I’m not.

You look like a chew toy.

Um, security?  I thought these questions were being screened!