Soundboard Cats
Soundboard was a Christmas present from one of my awesome sisters. For some reason, both of my cats think it is actually a comfortable bed for them.
Attention Demanded
I was not showering them with enough love and affection, so they took matters into their own paws.
Camo Cat
Orange kitty in his natural habitat: An orange Star Wars “Snuggie.”
DIY Mason Jars, Part 2.
Kid tested, Socket approved. Tissue paper blocks the solar powered LED light too much, so I’ve switched to colored glass which works pretty well. And Socket only tried to knock it off the table once.
Dog In The Window?
I’m fairly certain Socket thinks he’s a dog. He actively initiates games of fetch, and see this here? He’s at the window, waiting for me to come home.
Socket On High Alert
Little kitty, little kitty, what do you see? (He likes the new cat tree.)