My coffee cup is a camera lens.
It helps me focus.
Disney Springs
I am having a lovely time.
Family Photo
Bowties are cool, I guess.
BJ Watson
Today was a proud day for me as an educator. The guest speaker for our 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony was Bertram “BJ” Watson, Jr – a football player for Harvard and one of my first Media Arts students. (This was long enough ago that we didn’t even call it Media Arts back then, but we…
Easter 2017
These are not the best photos, but they are the ones I’ve chosen to keep.
New Camera
As the title says, I have a new camera. An Olympus Stylus TG-870, to be precise. There are better cameras, but this one does what I need and its form factor lets me carry it everywhere, which right now is what I’m looking for in a camera. I already own a DSLR (An older Nikon…