There’s Your Problem
Couldn’t understand why my water pressure was so low during my morning shower. Turns out someone bumped into our fire hydrant last night.
Annapolis Hospital
Just another rainy day at the hospital. Road splits the campus in half. Building in the photo is where you meet the specialists, then go home. We’re in the building where the specialists meet you, then THEY go home. It isn’t as fun.
Birthday Lunch
Celebrating my mom’s birthday with the family, including one of my aunts.
Digital camera broke beyond repair, so I took it apart to show students the parts of a digital camera.
Not How It Works
Socket, that is a scratch mat, not a blanket. Never mind.
New Duds
New hat (from my sister)! New hoodie (from Kelli)! New watch (from my parents)! New gray hairs (from life)! Yay!