Critical Knowledge Ep 26: Exile

After the events of last session, the people of Flotsam have asked the party to leave. Off to the city of Dei Perfecta!

#DnD #ActualPlay #Podcast #CritKnow

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Critical Recovery Ep 29: Book Depository

Critical Recovery Logo Teriesh has some important information for Rhine, and someone more nefarious wants to converse with Thandrin.

#DnD #ActualPlay #Podcast #CritRecover

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Critical Knowledge Ep 25: Show’s Over

Bindle was not impressed by the repeated incidents. If the party can’t find the source of the undead, their children’s theatre will be shut down.

#DnD #ActualPlay #Podcast #CritKnow

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Critical Knowledge Ep 24: Guest Speaker

Bindle Brightlight has been put in charge of escorting an important guest, one who wants to see tonight’s performance.

#DnD #ActualPlay #Podcast #CritKnow

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